Our Mission
Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern that is threatening people across the world. As we continue to misuse/overprescribe antibiotics, their effectiveness to treat many bacterial infections is decreasing. Additionally, as medical care becomes increasingly inaccessible because of healthcare costs, many around the world are unable to receive the care they need. Team BROCS aims to address these concerns, specifically in hospital environments, by exploring organic and homeopathic alternatives for wounds/surgical sites. More specifically, we plan to explore the idea of using the antimicrobial properties of broccoli as a suture coating, providing an alternative to antibiotics. Ideally, The accessibility and cheaper cost of broccoli would also enable the suture-coating to be cheaper and more accessible even in lower-income and developing areas.
Our research will focus on finding ways to extract the antimicrobial properties found in broccoli, testing its effectiveness to prevent bacterial growth at different concentrations, and looking at ways to eventually turn it into a suture-coating.
Research Question
How can organic compounds found in cruciferous vegetables be used to treat or prevent surgical site infections through antimicrobial properties?
0100 Ellicott Hall, 4052 Stadium Drive, College Park, MD 20742